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Private Offices in Holyoke, MA

To learn more, call 413.252.8569 or email

Ideally located at 98 Lower Westfield Rd., Holyoke, MA 01040, Venture X Holyoke is a state-of-the-art business center conveniently located at the intersection of 1-91 and 1-90, adjacent to the Holyoke Mall.

Visit this modern space featuring hi-tech conference rooms starting at $30 per hour, a lounge and coworking space starting at $99, virtual office solutions starting at $50, and fully furnished private offices starting at $540. Our turnkey workspaces with flexible terms include all the amenities you’ll need: a receptionist, high-speed secure internet, free parking, a community kitchen, gourmet coffee, and 24/7 access.



Why Choose Venture X Holyoke

Holyoke is getting more and more popular with both locals and visitors. A lot of things make it appealing, like it’s growing economy, lots of fun things to do, and great schools. Here are some of the things that make the area so appealing: 

Attractions and Entertainment:

  • ARTery is an eclectic marketplace featuring original artwork from Western Massachusetts and New England’s most creative talent, where you will find unique, handcrafted, up-cycled, and refinished pieces.
  • Woodstone Tavern is an upscale local hotspot with great food, creative cocktails, and local beer.
  • MT Tom State Reservation  features wonderful views of the Pioneer Valley in west-central Massachusetts. A great place for hiking, fishing, picnics, and more!
  • Wistariahurst Museum offers a wide variety of programs, educational opportunities, and events, including workshops, concerts, lectures, and demonstrations.



Workspace Products


Private Offices

starting at $540 per month

Business Lounge

starting at $100 per month

Meeting Rooms

starting at $30 per hour

Professional Address

starting at $50 per month

Professional Business Address in dallas
For those seeking a virtual office solution, we offer services to support remote work while maintaining a professional image.
Event Space

starting at $160 per hour



Center amenities:

Community Kitchen with unlimited coffee and tea

Community Events

Copier Services  

Shredder services

24/7 HVAC

Free Parking

IT Support

On-Site Staff 

Mail Handling 



Call Answering 

Mail Forwarding

Concierge Services


What Our Members Think


“I’ve rented an office at Venture X in Holyoke since early fall of 2023. The atmosphere is cozy, yet professional; the property is nearly immaculate, well-maintained, and accessible. The staff is courteous and helpful, and my productivity has improved significantly since arriving.”



“The space is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, the staff is so nice and very helpful. I love that they have a place to have your lunch away from your desk and fresh coffee. They also host wonderful business events and allow for more networking. I definitely recommend a tour!”



“If you’re looking for a centrally located, professional, and affordable space to run your business out of, Venture X Holyoke is the place. In my opinion, the biggest benefit of choosing a space here are the amenities. You get free and safe parking, complimentary coffee, kitchen space, and community spaces to host guests. Not to mention the fabulous team that is always around to assist us. We’re very happy we chose Venture X to work out of!”



“Excellent facility with exceptional staff. The facility was clean, modern, comfortable, and had great coffee. Easy access from 91 and 90. Close to plenty of places to eat and shop.”


New to the area or just visiting? Discover things to do in the area by visiting


Book a Tour at Venture X Holyoke

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