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Shared office space, or coworking space, refers to a flexible work environment where individuals or companies share a physical workspace. In a coworking arrangement, multiple businesses, freelancers, or professionals from various industries work alongside each other in a communal setting. Strive Workspaces offers coworking spaces for companies of all sizes. Here are several benefits of using a shared office space:

Brainstorm and Collaborate

If you’re working on a new project, you may need team members to brainstorm ideas or collaborate on certain steps. Partnering with a shared office space provider allows you to reserve a temporary private office or conference room. Your company can rent the room for a few hours or several days, giving you the space you require for your team members to work. They can use the room to create a marketing video or build a timeline for their project on a large whiteboard. Providing team members with a private space gives them room to work together and talk aloud without distracting others in the office building.

Hold Company Meetings or Training

If you have a small office space without a conference room, you may need to rent a shared space for company-wide team meetings or training. This also applies if you plan to have staff members from other branches, locations, or remote teams attend the meeting. Coworking space providers offer rooms of various sizes to accommodate larger groups. These shared spaces are ideal if you need to bring the entire team together only on occasion.

Provide a Formal Work Space

Coworking spaces are beneficial for freelancers and remote professionals who work from home. These offices provide a more formal space to meet with clients in person, conduct online video meetings, and make private phone calls. A shared office is a suitable solution if you don’t want clients to come to your home. If you have kids or pets, you may not have a quiet space to participate in online meetings. At Strive Workspaces, you can rent a temporary space by the hour or day, depending on your business requirements.

Reduce Costs

Another benefit of using a shared space is that it can reduce your overall costs. Shared office spaces can be more cost-effective than leasing or owning a traditional office, as users only pay for the space and services they need. Operational costs, such as utilities, community space repairs, and cleaning, are typically included or shared among the occupants. Strive Workspaces offers comprehensive services with our coworking spaces, including internet access, professional furniture, and mail handling. Our virtual offices also provide a physical address and professional call-handling services for remote professionals or online-based businesses. This can give your company an established appearance without committing to a permanent contract.

Find a Shared Office Space

Shared offices allow business professionals to hold team meetings, work privately on sensitive projects, or temporarily use a formal space. Strive Workspaces provides offices and conference rooms to fit a variety of needs. Contact us today to learn more about our flexible coworking spaces and amenities.

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