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Private Offices in Lewisville, TX

To learn more, call 469-253-8903 or email

coworking space in Lewisville, TX

Venture X – The Realm at Castle Hills office space is located in Lewisville near The Colony, Texas. We offer small and large offices starting at $650 with flexible short-term and long-term lease options. Ultra-Fast Secured Fiber Internet, 24 hours keyless access, Free Parking, Premium Furniture, Event Spaces starting at $295, Meeting Rooms starting at $20, Mail Service starting at $50, and much more Venture X – The Realm at Castle Hills is thoughtfully designed and spacious  with an abundance of natural light, onsite vending, and coffee machines with a break-out area. Perfect Offices for Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Small Businesses, Professionals, and Teams.


Why Choose Venture X Lewisville

Having an office in Lewisville TX presents a multitude of benefits. This vibrant area offers a blend of convenience, accessibility, and a rich array of amenities that can greatly enhance the work-life balance for employees and attract clients.

Convenience and Accessibility:

  • Proximity to Hwy 121: This highway connects to all the other major highways you may need to get anywhere in DFW, making it accessible from anywhere in the area. 

Shopping and Entertainment: 

  • Nearby attractions such as the Colony Marketplace and the Castle Hills Village Shops & Plaza provide excellent shopping, entertainment, and dining options. These areas offer a mix of boutiques, gyms, a bowling alley, stores, and more! 
  • Recreational Activities: The area boasts several parks and green spaces, right next to lake Lewisville, which offers opportunities for outdoor activities like jogging, picnicking, and kayaking.


  • Diverse Restaurant Scene: The vicinity is home to a wide array of restaurants catering to all tastes and preferences. From places like Fish n tails oyster bar  to casual eateries like Velvet Taco, there is something for everyone.



Workspace Products


Private Offices

starting at $650 per month

Private offices in Lewisville, TX

Dedicated Desks

starting at $250 per month

Dedicated Desks in Lewisville, TX

Business Lounge

starting at $99 per month


Meeting Rooms

starting at $20 per hour

meeting room for teams in lewisville


Professional Address

starting at $50 per month

professional address in lewisville tx
For those seeking a virtual office solution, we offer services to support remote work while maintaining a professional image.


Center amenities:

Community Kitchen with unlimited coffee and tea

Community Events

Copier Services  

IT Support

24/7 Surveillance 

On-Site Staff 

Mail & Package Handling 

Free Parking




Call Answering 

Mail Forwarding

Concierge Services


What Our Members Think


“This place is amazing!!! Such a great work environment. Everything is very modern and clean, easy for staff to enjoy the workplace and be comfortable in the work setting. The staff is very friendly and accommodating.”



“Great Premium Modern design which is perfect for co-working needs, private secluded offices, or event needs. The members and staff are friendly, there is ALWAYS coffee, it’s always clean and ready to go. I really enjoy being there every chance i get.”



“This is a great place to hang your hat during the work week. Great location that is close to a ton of restaurants and even shopping if you need to get some stuff done on your lunch break. The office spaces are perfect for our needs and the communal spaces are always clean and well maintained. The staff is top notch and always friendly.”


New to the area or just visiting? Discover things to do in the area by visiting


Book a Tour at Venture X Lewisville

Venture X Lewisville – The Realm at Castle Hills

4400 State Hwy 121 #300, Lewisville, TX 75056, USA

Frequently Asked Questions

How many meeting rooms are there?

There are currently four meeting rooms for up to 12 people!  Each meeting room  is equipped with a whiteboard, and TV with screen mirroring accessibility.

Is my office customizable?

Yes! You can customize your space to fit your brand. We have on-site maintenance staff who can help with any cosmetic upgrades.

Is parking free?

Yes! Parking is free for all members and guests!

What is the commitment if I join?

We offer hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly commitments! We try to be as flexible and competitive as possible!


What is the internet speed?

We know getting work done and getting it done quickly is one of the most important things for all business owners! That is why we currently offer up to 500m of speed (and can even offer more if needed).

What amenities does your center offer?

Our center offers all the amenities you need, including unlimited coffee, water, tea, access to a community kitchen, free food delivery services, an on-site pantry, beer, meeting rooms, reception/concierge services, free internet, and much more!

Contact Us Today to Learn More

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