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Modern Working Spaces

Visit 5700 W Plano Pkwy #1000, Plano, TX 75093 for a professional shared office space that allows teams to collaborate, innovate, and deliver on tight deadlines. With private offices starting at $450 per month to modern virtual offices, we have the space to accommodate small groups and large teams. We also provide meeting space, conference rooms starting at $30 per hour and training rooms or classrooms starting at $70 per hour.

Utilize our professional meeting space to facilitate client meetings, team meetings, presentations, and any other business needs. We offer convenient day passes for clients who need a temporary workspace solution. You can also sign up for a membership package for regular access to private meeting rooms. Our office spaces come with helpful modern amenities including fast Wi-Fi, spacious meeting rooms, select beverages, and more. These workplace solutions provide a useful space where various businesses or individuals have the flexibility to determine their workplace needs. Reach out to our team today to learn more about our pricing and membership options.

Professional Mailing Address

Interested in no longer using your home address for business purposes? Strive Workspaces can provide remote workers with a professional mailing address. Sign up for our address package for just $50 per month. You can use this address to receive business correspondence, packages, and key documents. Using an established mailing address lends credibility and professionalism to a business. It also helps enhance the security and privacy of business owners. You no longer have to share your private mailing address for business purposes. Take advantage of our professional business address, dedicated suite number, and google verifiable address while still working from home.

Virtual Office Services

Our virtual office services can include a professional Google-verifiable address, a dedicated suite number, a live professional receptionist, and more. Virtual meeting spaces provide flexibility for remote workers, while also establishing a credible image to businesses. Virtual offices can also be more cost-effective than renting a physical office space that comes with utilities and maintenance costs. Remote employees can take advantage of private online meeting rooms and secure communication platforms all while working from the comfort of their homes. Explore our virtual office packages to learn more about the benefits of a dedicated online space.

Seek a Shared Office Space Today

Strive Workspaces provides quality in-person shared office spaces, as well as virtual office services. Whether you are an entrepreneur, freelancer, or remote worker, you and your team can benefit from a professional shared office space. Our high-quality locations provide a convenient space where professionals can collaborate and work productively without the overhead costs of leasing a physical suite or building themselves. We offer a first-rate workspace in Plano, TX, and our partner locations extend to various cities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and throughout the US. To connect with our team, email us at or fill out our online form today.

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