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A virtual office allows employees to work remotely while maintaining the benefits of a conventional office, such as a mailing address, telephone number, and access to conference rooms. Virtual office services can lower costs, increase employee satisfaction, and improve productivity. They also make expanding and scaling your business easier because virtual offices eliminate the need to move to a larger space as your business grows. Here are four ways to run a successful virtual office:

#1 Create a Virtual Office Strategy

Creating a comprehensive strategy is one of the first steps to running a successful virtual office. This strategy will be largely dictated by the type of business you have, the products and services you provide, and the number of employees you have. Strive Workspaces can handle many of the logistics—such as a physical address and phone number. We also offer flexible meeting spaces and conference rooms at our various locations. Other aspects of your strategy may include deciding how you will communicate with your staff, what software and systems you will use, and how you will evaluate performance.

#2 Use Flexible Meeting Spaces

We offer virtual office packages that include business-hour access to all of our managed locations. This means you and your employees can use our flexible meeting spaces and conference rooms to hold in-person meetings and presentations. Our facilities come equipped with amenities such as fast Wi-Fi and ergonomic furniture. Flexible meeting spaces provide multiple benefits for a virtual office, including enhanced collaboration and productivity among remote teams. They also allow you to meet with clients and potential business partners in a professional space. This enhances the client experience and helps your business appear established and professional.

#3 Get an Official Address

Having an official address for your business can increase your company’s reputation and legitimacy to clients and customers. It can also be used for mail services, package handling, and delivery. Each of our virtual office packages comes with a Google verifiable address, a dedicated suite number, and mail and package handling. You can choose to only have these address services, or you can upgrade packages for more services, such as phone services and access to conference rooms and other amenities.

#4 Take Advantage of Phone Services

Phone services, including address and call management, can help enhance your company’s image and credibility. Strive Workspaces offers personalized phone services. This includes a local phone number and a live receptionist with custom transfer options and greetings. A receptionist can make sure that incoming calls are answered promptly and that messages are relayed quickly. This improves your customer experience and helps keep your virtual office operating smoothly.

Take Advantage of Virtual Office Services 

Virtual offices have many of the benefits of a traditional office while allowing employees to work remotely. Strive Workspaces provides your business with a physical address and basic amenities. We also offer virtual office services such as call and mail handling, flexible meeting spaces, and Google location verification. Contact us today to learn more about our virtual office packages.

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