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Shared office spaces are versatile tools for businesses of all sizes. These offices provide flexible and secure workspaces for individuals or teams who want to take advantage of a convenient and dedicated workspace. Strive Workspaces offers different offices and memberships for varying needs so you can scale your operations as your business grows. The following tips will help you choose the right space and get your business set up in a shared office:

Choosing the Right Space

To enhance the workflows of your business, choose an office space that fits your needs. Assess the space’s location, office types, and other factors to find a suitable option. Here are more aspects to evaluate to help you choose the right space for yourself and your team:


Some of our packages give you access to all of our physical locations, so you can work at the closest and most convenient location. Strive Workspace has multiple offices in the United States

Office Options

Strive Workspaces offers multiple shared office spaces and membership options. Our Workspace Membership allows you to access remote offices and conference rooms when you need them. The day pass and business lounge packages provide access to coworking spaces that give you and your team a dedicated space to collaborate and work. Our workspace products include private offices, virtual offices, and conference rooms that offer you the space you need.

Cost and Availability

We aim to provide short-term leases at affordable prices that do not change from year to year. Our different workspace products and membership packages come at different price points to accommodate your specific business size and needs. Our packages have options that include business hour access and 24/7 access so you can choose a property availability that matches your schedule.

Customer Service

Good customer service makes finding the right office space for your business easier. At Strive Workspaces, we aim to foster collaboration and provide your business with helpful resources. We have staff on-site at each of our office locations to help you with anything you need while you work.

Setting up Your Workspace

Our shared office spaces come equipped with Wi-Fi, furniture, and meeting room access. These amenities make it easier to set up your workspace and show potential clients and business partners that your business is established. For professionals who want a space to call their own, Strive Workspaces offers private offices. Customize your private office to fit your needs by adding your own decor, technology, or equipment. If you need to hold a conference, you can use our meeting rooms to accommodate more people.

Find Shared Office Space Near You

Shared office space is flexible, customizable, and cost-effective. Setting up your business in a coworking space allows you to take advantage of budget-friendly, flexible, short-term leases. Strive Workspaces is a coworking and executive office space provider that adapts to your business needs. We offer various types of offices and coworking spaces. Contact us today to learn more about our office locations and membership options.

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